Van der Meer, L., Werner, C., & Loidl, M. (2024). Assessment of bicycle accessibility to mobility hubs under different criteria for cycling network quality. In A. Heppenstall, M. Wang, U. Demsar, R. Lemmens, & J. Yao (Eds.), AGILE GIScience Series (Vol. 5). Article 48.
Kaziyeva, D., Stutz, P., Wallentin, G., & Loidl, M. (2023). Large-scale agent-based simulation model of pedestrian traffic flows. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 105, Article 102021.
Werner, C., & Loidl, M. (2023). Betweenness Centrality in Spatial Networks: A Spatially Normalised Approach. In R. Beecham, J. A. Long, D. Smith, Q. Zhao, & S. Wise (Eds.), 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, GIScience 2023 Article 83 (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs; Vol. 277). Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing.
Loidl, M., Kaziyeva, D., Wendel, R., Luger-Bazinger, C., Seeber, M., & Stamatopoulos, C. (2023). Unlocking the Potential of Digital, Situation-Aware Nudging for Promoting Sustainable Mobility. Sustainability, 15(14), Article 11149.
Kaziyeva, D., Stutz, P., Wallentin, G., & Loidl, M. (2023). Agent-based simulation model of cyclists and pedestrians at a regional scale. Proceedings of the 26th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2023, 4, 1-6.
Loidl, M., Werner, C.,Füssl, E., Kratochwil, F., & Resch, B. (2023). A mixed methods approach for capturing interactions of cyclists with mobility space. 1st International Conference Hybrid Societies, Chemnitz, Germany, 15/03/23
Werner, C., Füssl, E., Rieß, J., Resch, B., Kratochwil, F., & Loidl, M. (2022). A Framework to Facilitate Advanced Mixed Methods Studies for Investigating Interventions in Road Space for Cycling. Sustainability, 15(1), 622.
Luger-Bazinger, C., Marquez, R. M., Harms, C., Loidl, M., Kaziyeva, D., & Hornung-Prähauser, V. (2022). Ethics of digital, data-based nudges: The need for responsible innovation. in XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference , Copenhagen, Denmark, 5/06/22
Kaziyeva, D. (Entwickler/in), Lackner, B-M. (Entwickler/in), Loidl, M. (Entwickler/in), Stutz, P. (Entwickler/in), Van der Meer, L. (Entwickler/in), Wendel, R. (Entwickler/in), Werner, C. (Entwickler/in), & Zagel, B. (Entwickler/in). (2022). NetAScore: Network Assessment Score Toolbox for Sustainable Mobility. Software
Weiss, P., Reithofer, J., Zagel, B., Innerebner, G., Loidl, M., Witzmann-Müller, U., & Kaziyeva, D. (2022, Apr 1). Radreport 2022: Salzburg steigt auf. Magistrat Salzburg.
Werner, C., & Loidl, M. (2021). Bicycle Mobility Data: Current Use and Future Potential. An International Survey of Domain Professionals. Data, 6(11), [121].
Loidl, M. (2021). Datenverfügbarkeit für die räumliche Modellierung von Gefahrenbereichen im Straßenverkehr: Eine Untersuchung mittelgroßer Smart Cities in Europa. AGIT: Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 7, 117-123.
Loidl, M., & Witzmann-Müller, U. (2021). Observing Cyclists’ Mobility Patterns for better Decisions. GI_Forum, 9(1), 194-200.
Kaziyeva, D., Loidl, M., & Wallentin, G. (2021). Simulating Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Bicycle Flows with an Agent-Based Model. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(2), [88].
Graser, A., Stutz, P., & Loidl, M. (2021). Tracks vs. Counters: Towards a Systematic Analysis of Spatiotemporal Factors Influencing Correlation. in S. Dodge (Hrsg.), GIScience: Advancing Movement Data Science (AMD’21)
Fernandez La Puente de Battre, M. D., Moritz Neumeier, L., Ensslin, C., Loidl, M., Gräni, C., Schmied, C., Reich, B., Niebauer, J., & Niederseer, D. (2020). What it takes to recruit 77 subjects for a one-year study on active commuting. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30(6), 1090-1095.
Heym, L., Werner, C., Innerebner, G., & Kofler, P. (2020). Mission impossible: Typologisierung von radfahrenden – ein designsoziologischer ansatz. AGIT- Journal fur Angewandte Geoinformatik, 6, 244-254.
Loidl, M., Stutz, P., Fernandez La Puente de Battre, M. D., Schmied, C., Reich, B., Bohm, P., Sedlacek, N., Niebauer, J., & Niederseer, D. (2020). Merging self-reported with technically sensed data for tracking mobility behavior in a naturalistic intervention study. Insights from the GISMO study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30(S1), 41-49.
Loidl, M., Wagner, A., Kaziyeva, D., & Zagel, B. (2020). Bicycle Observatory – eine räumlich differenzierte, kontinuierliche Beobachtung der Fahrradmobilität. AGIT: Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 6(6), 263-271.
Neumeier, L. M., Loidl, M., Reich, B., Fernandez La Puente de Battre, M. D., Kissel, C. K., Templin, C., Schmied, C., Niebauer, J., & Niederseer, D. (2020). Effects of active commuting on health-related quality of life and sickness related absence. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30(S1), 31-40.
Reich, B., Niederseer, D., Loidl, M., Fernandez La Puente de Batre, M. D., Rossi, V. A., Zagel, B., Caselli, S., Schmied, C., & Niebauer, J. (2020). Effects of active commuting on cardiovascular risk factors: GISMO a randomized controlled feasibility study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30(S1), 15-23.
Sareban, M., Dolores Fernandez La Puente de Batre, M., Reich, B., Schmied, C., Loidl, M., Niederseer, D., & Niebauer, J. (2020). Effects of active commuting to work for 12 months on cardiovascular risk factors and body composition. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30(S1), 24-30.
Schäfer, C., Mayr, B., Fernandez La Puente de Battre, M. D., Reich, B., Schmied, C., Loidl, M., Niederseer, D., & Niebauer, J. (2020). Health effects of active commuting to work: the available evidence before GISMO. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30(S1), 8-14.
Schmied, C., Loidl, M., Rossi, V., Fernandez La Puente de Battre, M. D., Reich, B., Niebauer, J., & Niederseer, D. (2020). Dose-response relationship of active commuting to work: Results of the GISMO Study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30(S1), 50-58.
Wallentin, G., Kaziyeva, D., & Reibersdorfer-Adelsberger, E. (2020). COVID-19 Intervention Scenarios for a Long-term Disease Management. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9(12), 508-516.
Zagel, B., & Loidl, M. (2020). Geo-IT in Mobilität und Verkehr: Geoinformatik als Grundlage für moderne Verkehrsplanung und Mobilitätsmanagement. Wichmann Verlag / VDE.
Kyriakou, K., Resch, B., Sagl, G., Petutschnig, A., Werner, C., Niederseer, D., Liedlgruber, M., Wilhelm, F., Osborne, T., & Pykett, J. (2019). Detecting Moments of Stress from Measurements of Wearable Physiological Sensors. Sensors, 19(17).
Loidl, M. (2019). Spatial Information and Bicycling Safety. gis.Science – Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik, 2019(4), 133-140.
Loidl, M., Werner, C., Heym, L., Kofler, P., & Innerebner, G. (2019). Lifestyles and Cycling Behavior—Data from a Cross-Sectional Study. Data, 4(4).
Loidl, M., Witzmann-Müller, U., & Zagel, B. (2019). A spatial framework for planning station-based bike sharing systems. European Transport Research Review, 11(1).
Niederseer, D., Schmied, C., Niebauer, J., & Loidl, M. (2019). GISMO – Geographical Information Support for Health Mobility – promoting active commuting as a novel option to counteract sedentary lifestyle. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.
Werner, C., Resch, B., & Loidl, M. (2019). Evaluating Urban Bicycle Infrastructures through Intersubjectivity of Stress Sensations Derived from Physiological Measurements. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(6).
Kaziyeva, D., Wallentin, G., Loidl, M., Mohr, S., & Neuwirth, C. (2018). Reviewing Software for Agent-based Bicycle Flow Models. GI_Forum, 291-296.
Loidl, M. (2018). Pendelmobilität und Gesundheitsförderung – Interdisziplinäre Ansätze zur Förderung aktiver, gesunder Pendelmobilität. ZOLL+.
Loidl, M., Butzhammer, A., Castellazzi, B., Prinz, T., Wendel, R., & Zagel, B. (2018). Considering spatial determinants in promoting active, healthy commuting. GI_Forum, 7(1), 162-176.
Loidl, M., & Hochmair, H. (2018). Do Online Bicycle Routing Portals Adequately Address Prevalent Safety Concerns? Safety.
Loidl, M. (2016). Spatial information for safer bicycling. In: advances and new Trends in Environmental Informatics: Selected and Extended Contributions from the 28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (S. 219-235). Springer.
Loidl, M., Traun, C., & Wallentin, G. (2016). Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of urban bicycle crashes-A case study from Salzburg (Austria). Journal of Transport Geography, 52, 38-50.
Loidl, M., Wallentin, G., Cyganski, R., Graser, A., Scholz, J., & Haslauer, E. (2016). GIS and Transport Modeling—Strengthening the Spatial Perspective. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.
Loidl, M., Wallentin, G., Wendel, R., & Zagel, B. (2016). Mapping Bicycle Crash Risk Patterns on the Local Scale. Safety, 2(3).
Wallentin, G., & Loidl, M. (2016). Bicycle-Bicycle Accidents Emerge from Encounters: An Agent-Based Approach. Safety, 2(2).
Zeile, P., Resch, B., Loidl, M., Petutschnig, A., & Dörrzapf, L. (2016). Urban Emotions and Cycling Experience – Enriching Traffic Planning for Cyclists with Human Sensor Data. GI_Forum.
Loidl, M., Zagel, B., & Wendel, R. (2015). Implementation systematischer Qualitätssicherungs- und Modellierungsroutinen bei der Verwendung von GIP-Daten. AGIT – Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 175-184.
Wallentin, G., & Loidl, M. (2015). Agent-based bicycle traffic model for Salzburg City. GI_Forum.
Wendel, R. (2015). Interactive Network Assessment Tool Using ArcGIS API for JavaScript. GI_Forum, 3(1), 136-146.
Zagel, B. (2015). Routingportale haben noch Luft nach oben. GIS.Business – GeoBIT, 2015(1), 46-47.
Loidl, M., & Zagel, B. (2014). Assessing bicycle safety in multiple networks with different data models. GI_Forum.
Loidl, M., Krampe, S., Zagel, B., & Pucher, G. (2014). Aufbereitung von Open Street Map Daten für GIS-Modellierungen und Analysen. In J. Strobl, T. Blaschke, & G. Griesebner (Hrsg.), AGIT
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Sagl, G., Loidl, M., & Beinat, E. (2012). A Visual Analytics Approach for Extracting Spatio-Temporal Urban Mobility Information from Mobile Network Traffic. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 1(3), 256-271.
Zagel, B. (2012). Soziale Netzwerke als Impusgeber für das Verkehrs- und Sicherheitsmanagement von Großveranstaltungen. in Geoinformationssysteme. Beiträge zum 17. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar (S. 223-232). Wichmann Verlag / VDE.
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Loidl, M., & Huber, G. (2008). Berechnung und Animation der Durchflussqualität eines innerstädtischen Verkehrsnetzes mit ArcGIS 9.2 – das Beispiel Salzburg. In: J. Strobl, T. Blaschke, & G. Griesebner (Hrsg.), Angewandte Geoinformatik 2008, Beiträge zum 20. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg (S. 424-432). Wichmann Verlag / VDE.
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