Feasibility Study for a Mobility Observatory Austria

  • Project Duration: 09.2022 – 09.2023

  • Project Lead: Martin Loidl (Z_GIS)

  • Role Z_GIS: Project Lead

  • Staff: Ursula Witzmann-Müller

Initial Situation

Adequate data bases are essential for evidence-based policies and measures. However, for many challenges of mobility policy and other related fields, the current data situation in Austria must be considered as insufficient. Ubiquitous Internet, mobile sensors or extensive sensor networks and the popularity of digital services have led to a veritable deluge of mobility-related data. However, the potential of this data is not yet sufficiently exploited and put to good use in Austria. Access to mobility data is crucial in mobility research, in the development, provision and scaling of mobility services and other data-based products, as well as in transport policy and related fields, in planning processes and in citizens’ participation.

Project Goals

  • Requirement analysis of beneficiaries of a MOA.

  • Inventory (indexing and evaluation) of mobility-related data.

  • Description of framework conditions, actors, components, and functionalities of a MOA.

Expected Results

  • Feasibility study for a prospective Mobility Observatory Austria.

Contribution Z_GIS

  • Project coordination

  • Stakeholder involvement, expert workshops and interviews

  • Concept design