“What makes you cycling?” was the central question, we posed to participants of this year’s Raddialog (participatory community event for cyclists, organized by the City of Salzburg). Together with colleagues from another research project (SimpliCITY), we were not only interested in personal feedbacks, but invited participants to slip into the roles of our four personas – Lisa, Heindl, Basti and Margit. Who are they?
Based on data from our big cycling survey, which we conducted earlier this year, we identified four distinct types of cyclists with the help of statistical cluster algorithms. The clusters are defined by data on lifestyles, values and mobility behavior. Along these personal and behavioral dimensions, we described the characteristics of the four personas.

This is how the four personas, each representing characteristics of a prototypical type, look like. The definition of these types is based on an extensive dataset from our survey.
With great enthusiasm, participants of the workshop defined and discussed expectations, motivations and experiences of the presented cycling types. Additionally, researchers from the SimpliCITY project evaluated how cyclists could be further supported and non-cyclists be nudged towards active, sustainable mobility.
We are going to analyze the acquired feedbacks and inputs and compare them with existing data on mobility behavior. Our overall aim is to consistently describe various types of cyclists and their respective spatio-temporal mobility patterns.
If you also want to get to know Lisa, Heindl, Basti and Margit, do not hesitate getting in touch with us!
© Pictures: City of Salzburg (S. Berger), P. Stabauer, M. Loidl
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