OpenGeoHub Summer School in Poznan, Poland
A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege to attend the OpenGeoHub Summer School in Poznan. It was framed by the theme "Processing and visualizing large geospatial data using R, Python and Julia". During one week packed with interesting talks and workshops held by well known scientists and open source developers, participants got many [...]
Mobility Lab going abroad: attending GIScience and visiting ITU Copenhagen
Although the sun is still shining bright from the skies over Salzburg, summer is over and the academic year about to start. Under the motto “A good start is half the battle”, our PhD researchers Christian Werner and Lucas van der Meer headed abroad to present their work, drink a pint and meet new people. [...]
Visit to AGILE 2023 Conference
In June of this year, we had the privilege of attending the AGILE 2023 conference organized by The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe. The conference took place at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands and revolved around the overarching theme of "Spatial Data for Design". The presentations covered a wide range [...]
DyMoN Summer School
Fotos: H.-Chr. Gruber We are happy to announce the successful organization of the DyMoN Summer School titled " GIS and psychology meet for behavioural change in mobility: Innovative digital interventions for sustainable mobility". The summer school took place at the University of Salzburg from June 27th to July 6th, 2023. We would like [...]
Annual DyMoN project meeting
Uppsala, Sweden. Sunny weather, a green and bicycle friendly old town, and phantastic hosts. We could not imagine a better setting for the annual DyMoN project meeting taking place on May 22nd and 23rd. Together with partners from multiple, very different domain backgrounds, we have been researching and developing situation-aware nudges for promoting sustainable mobility [...]
Velo-City 2023 conference
From May 9-12 2023, the Velo-City conference took place in Leipzig, Germany. It is a key event for the domain of cycling mobility, bringing togehter experts from science, planning as well as the public sector and politics. Within a session by Cylcle Competence Austria, Christian Werner presented data and methods we use at PLUS Mobility [...]