
Fahrradverkehrsmodelle als Planungsinstrument zur Reorganisation des Straßenraums

  • Project Duration: 09.2016 – 09.2018

  • Project Lead: Birgit Kohla (TU Graz)

  • Role Z_GIS: Project Partner

  • Staff: Martin Loidl, Bernhard Zagel, Robin Wendel, Gudrun Wallentin

Status Quo

Data for all user groups and innovative tools are required for planning purposes and the (re-)organization of public space. Until now reliable data about the spatial and temporal distribution of bicycle traffic is missing. The same holds true for specific analysis, planning and simulation tools.

Project Goals

  • Concept development and evaluation of suitable models (4-step-model, agent-based simulation), which are able to represent bicycle flows realistically

  • Integration of these models into analysis, planning and simulation tools

  • Simulation of a (re-)organization of the road space, considering all transport modes

Expected Results

  • Providing evidence for an informed model choice and definition of data requirements for specific applications

  • Establishing of an evidence-based decision support system for targeted measures for the (re-)organization of the road space

Contribution Z_GIS

  • Generating and providing a harmonized data base for the respective models

  • Development of an agent-based simulation model for bicycle flows